Dear colleagues!
Due to the increasing cases of misunderstanding and differences in accreditation practices in the FSA and the AAC "Analitica", we remind you that the laboratory has the right to issue test reports with reference to accreditation strictly for the methods, objects and ranges included in its scope of accreditation.
Cancellation of a document included in the scope of accreditation does not automatically give the right to include in the scope of accreditation a document issued to replace the canceled one. A replacement document must be included in the scope of accreditation under the procedure for extending the scope of accreditation.
In the case of a flexible scope of accreditation, for example, when changing the revision of GOST specified in the scope of accreditation of the laboratory without specifying the year, during the next surveillance visit, the laboratory must demonstrate the verification or validation of the new version of the document to confirm the legitimacy of leaving this method in the approved scope of accreditation.
Suspension, cancellation, and restoration of accreditation certificates.
The validity of the accreditation certificate no.AAC.A.00699 (Testing Laboratory of the TopFrame Agro Limited Liability Company) has been restored since 02/10/2025
The validity of the accreditation certificate no.AAC.A.0000334 (Testing Laboratory of the Limited Liability Company "Council of Scientific Research Institutes of the Oil and Gas Industry") has been restored since 02/10/2025
The certificate of accreditation no.AAC.A.00585 (Industrial and Analytical Laboratory of Oil Reservoir Chemicalization, Scientific and Production Association HELIUM LLC) has been cancelled since 02/10/2025
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
The validity of accreditation certificate No. AAC.A.00620 (Testing laboratory for quality control of liquefied hydrocarbon gases, oil and oil products in the port of Taman, a branch of the joint-stock company SGS Vostok Limited in Novorossiysk) has been suspended since 01/27/2025
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
The validity of the accreditation certificate No. AAC.A.00101 (OOO Tyumen Central Laboratory) has been fully restored since 17.01.2025
The validity of the accreditation certificate No. AAC.T.00511 (Laboratory of destructive testing of the Volgodonsk branch of Joint-Stock Company Atomtruboprovodmontazh) has been restored since 17.01.2025
The validity of the accreditation certificate No. AAC.A.00387 (Laboratory of analysis of mineral raw materials of the Analytical Department of the Research Center of Joint-Stock Company Polyus Krasnoyarsk (LAMS AU IC JSC Polyus Krasnoyarsk)) has been partially suspended since 17.01.2025
Accreditation certificate No. AAC.A.00365 (Analytical Ecological Laboratory of Ecological Firm Atmosfera-YUG LLC) cancelled as of 17.01.2025
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
The validity of accreditation certificate No. AAC.T.00529 (Radiation Monitoring Laboratory of UVM POVOLZHYE Limited Liability Company) has been suspended since 23.12.2024
Suspension, cancellation and reinstatement of accreditation certificates.
Accreditation certificate no.AAC.A.00579 (Testing laboratory of LLC "PROSPECTOR") has been cancelled since 06.12.2024
The validity of the certificate of accreditation No.AAC.T.00511 (Laboratory of destructive control of the Volgodonsk branch of the Joint-Stock Company Atomtruboprovodmontazh) has been suspended since 06.12.2024
Suspension, cancellation and reinstatement of accreditation certificates.
The validity of the certificate of accreditation No.AAC.A.00585 (Industrial and Analytical Laboratory of chemicalization of the oil reservoir LLC "Scientific and Production Association "HELIUM") has been suspended since 11/25/2024
Suspension, cancellation and reinstatement of accreditation certificates.
Certificate of accreditation No.AAC.A.00723 (Laboratory of the Limited Liability Company "Specialized Organization of the energy engineering industrial cluster" (LLC "Spetsenergomash")) cancelled from 08.11.2024
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
The validity of accreditation certificate No. AAC.A.00660 (Laboratory of Geomechanics and Engineering Research, Limited Liability Company "Polus Project") has been suspended since 19.10.2024
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
Accreditation certificate No. AAC.A.00708 (Laboratory of OOO "CENTER OF RESEARCH") has been cancelled since 10.10.2024
Accreditation certificate No. AAC.A.00101 (OOO "Tyumen Central Laboratory") has been partially suspended since 10.10.2024 in terms of the following lines of the accreditation area: 89, 352, 358, 359, 376.
Accreditation certificate No. AAC.A.00334 (Testing laboratory of OOO "Council of Research Institutes of the Oil and Gas Industry") has been suspended since 10.10.2024
Suspension, cancellation and reinstatement of accreditation certificates.
The validity of the certificate of accreditation No.AAC.A.00248 (Laboratory of the Limited Liability Company "West Siberian Industrial Company" (LLC "ZSPK") has been restored since 09.10.2024
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
Accreditation certificate No. AAC.A.00271 (NR OGC laboratory of JSC SGS Klaipeda Ltd.) cancelled as of 21.08.2024
Accreditation certificate No. AAC.A.00426 (NR Agri laboratory of JSC SGS Klaipeda Ltd.) cancelled as of 21.08.2024
Accreditation certificate No. AAC.A.00427 (NR Minerals laboratory of JSC SGS Klaipeda Ltd.) cancelled as of 21.08.2024
The validity of the accreditation certificate No. AAC.A.00673 (Radiation control laboratory of Positron Limited Liability Company) has been restored as of 21.08.2024
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
Validity of the certificate accreditation No. AAC.A.00365 (Analytical environmental laboratory of Ecological firm Atmosfera-YUG LLC) suspended from 08/14/2024
The validity of the accreditation certificate No. AAC.A.00271 (NR OGC laboratory of JSC SGS Klaipeda Ltd.) is suspended from 14.08.2024
The validity of the accreditation certificate No. AAC.A.00426 (NR Agri laboratory of JSC SGS Klaipeda Ltd.) is suspended from 14.08.2024
The validity of the accreditation certificate No. AAC.A.00427 (NR Minerals laboratory of JSC SGS Klaipeda Ltd.) is suspended from 14.08.2024
The accreditation certificate No. AAC.T.00535 (Testing laboratory for technical condition control of the Limited Liability Company Service Center Medtekhnika) is canceled from 14.08.2024
Suspension, cancellation and reinstatement of accreditation certificates.
The validity of the certificate of accreditation No.AAC.A.00683 (Laboratory of radiation control of LLC UVM TULA) has been suspended since 30.07.2024
Accreditation certificate No.AAC.A.00571 (Analytical Laboratory of the Limited Liability Company "Engineer") has been cancelled since 30.07.2024
Suspension, cancellation and reinstatement of accreditation certificates.
The validity of the certificate of accreditation No.AAC.A.00647 (Department of Technological Research of NOVOMEK ENGINEERING LLC) has been restored since 07/16/2024
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
Accreditation certificate No. AAC.A.00428 (Laboratory of the OA TZK Koltsovo) was canceled as of July 16, 2024
The validity of the accreditation certificate No. AAC.A.00248 (Physico-chemical laboratory of ZSPK LLC) has been partially suspended since July 16, 2024
Accreditation certificate No. AAC.A.00719 (Chemical-analytical laboratory of the Research Center of ProTech Engineering LLC) has been canceled since July 16, 2024
Suspension, cancellation and reinstatement of accreditation certificates.
The validity of the certificate of accreditation No.AAC.T.00535 (Testing laboratory for technical condition control Limited Liability Company Service Center "Medtechnika") has been suspended since 06/10/2024
Accreditation certificate No.AAC.A.00363 (Testing Laboratory Center of JSC "Hyprovostokneft") has been cancelled since 06/10/2024
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
The accreditation certificate No. AAC.A.00673 (Radiation Control Laboratory of the Limited Liability Company "Positron") has been suspended since 05/08/2024
The accreditation certificate No. AAC.A.00677 (Limited Liability Company "ProfEcoMonitoring" (LLC "ProfEcoMonitoring")) has been suspended since 05/08/2024
Accreditation certificate No. AAC.A.00040 (Central Laboratory of Chemical, Technological and Technical Control of Tulachermet JSC) has been canceled since 05/08/2024
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
The validity of the accreditation certificate No. AAC.A.00351 (Testing laboratory for agrochemical services for agricultural production of the federal state budgetary institution "Center for Agrochemical Service "Belgorod" (FSBI "CAS "Belgorod") has been suspended since 05/01/2024
Suspension, cancellation and reinstatement of accreditation certificates.
The validity of the certificate of accreditation No.AAC.A.00699 (Testing Laboratory of the TopFrame Agro Limited Liability Company) has been suspended since 04.04.2024
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
The validity of the accreditation certificate No. AAC.T.00628 (Technical Control Department of Rakityan Valve Plant JSC) has been restored since March 20, 2024
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
Accreditation certificate No. AAC.A.00608 (Assay and Analytical Laboratory Limited Liability Company "Dalzoloto") canceled from 02/05/2024
Validity of accreditation certificate No. AAC.T.00628 (Technical Control Department JSC "Rakityan Reinforcement Plant") suspended from 02/05/2024
Accreditation certificate No. AAC.A.00647 (Department of Technological Research of NOVOMEK ENGINEERING LLC) has been suspended since 02/05/2024
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
Accreditation certificate No. AAC.A.00604 (Analytical laboratory (Kharyaginsky village) of the Limited Liability Company "Science II") canceled as of 01/20/2024
Accreditation certificate No. AAC.A.00669 (Testing laboratory of the Autonomous non-profit organization "Society for the Protection of Nature of Crimea") canceled from 01/20/2024
The validity of the accreditation certificate No. AAC.A.00585 (Industrial Analytical Laboratory for Oil Reservoir Chemicalization LLC "Research and Production Association "HELIUM") has been suspended since January 20, 2024 in terms of the following lines of the accreditation scope:
clause 13 — GOST R 56946 (clause definition viscosity (at rotation speeds of 3, 6, 300 rpm);
clause 14 — GOST R 56946 (clause determination of viscosity according to Brookfield;
clause 16 — GOST R 56946 (clause determination of viscosity (at a rotation speed of 600 rpm);
clause 18 — GOST R 56946 (clause determination of viscosity (at a rotation speed of 600 rpm);
clause 20 — GOST R 56946 (clause determination of viscosity (at a rotation speed of 600 rpm);
clause 22 — GOST R 56946 (clause determination of viscosity (at a rotation speed of 600 rpm);
clause 24 — GOST R 56946 (clause determination of viscosity (at a rotation speed of 600 rpm).
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
Accreditation certificate No. AAC.A.00303 (Laboratory of fuels and lubricants of the Closed Joint Stock Company "Sheremetyevo Fuel and Refueling Complex") has been canceled since December 26, 2023
Accreditation certificate No. AAC.A.00310 (Testing Laboratory of fuels and lubricants of the Branch of RN-Aero LLC in Artem) was canceled as of December 26, 2023
Accreditation certificate No. AAC.A.00324 (fuels and lubricants laboratory of RN-Aero LLC at Krasnoyarsk airport) canceled as of December 26, 2023
Accreditation certificate No. AAC.A.00343 (Laboratory of fuels and lubricants of a separate division "Krasnodar" LLC "BATO") canceled as of December 26, 2023
Accreditation certificate No. AAC.A.00596 (Laboratory of fuels and lubricants
OP LLC "RN-Aero" Sescha) canceled from December 26, 2023
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
Accreditation certificate No. AAC.A.00573 (Analytical laboratory of Urangeo JSC) was canceled as of 12/19/2023
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
The validity of the accreditation certificate No. AAC.A.00557 (Laboratory of metrological and production control of JSC Kataysky Pump Plant) was restored from 12/14/2023
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
Accreditation certificate No. AAC.A.00184 (Testing center (laboratory) of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Orenburg Reference Center of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance") has been canceled since 12/11/2023
Accreditation certificate No. AAC.A.00319 (Laboratory of fuels and lubricants of a separate division "Sochi" LLC "BATO") canceled from 12/11/2023
The validity of the accreditation certificate No. AAC.A.00212 (Testing laboratory of LLC FPK "KOSMOS-NEFT-GAZ") was restored from 12/11/2023
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
Validity of accreditation certificate No. AAC.T.00532 (Test Center "QUALITY" JSC "Research and Production Association Plant "Volna") is suspended from 12/04/2023
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
Accreditation certificate No. AAC.A.00168 (Testing laboratory of Stylelab Company LLC) was canceled as of November 27, 2023
Accreditation certificate No. AAC.A.00643 (Factory laboratory of the quality service of the Joint Stock Company "Krasnoyarsk Electric Car Repair Plant" (ZL SK JSC "KREVRZ")) was canceled from November 27, 2023
Accreditation certificate No. AAC.A.00016 (Analytical and technological certification testing center of the Joint Stock Company "Central Research Institute of Geology of Nonmetallic Minerals") has been canceled since November 27, 2023
The validity of the accreditation certificate No. AAC.A.00563 (Testing Center LLC DNIIMF-Vostochny) has been suspended since November 27, 2023
The accreditation certificate No. AAC.A.00363 (Testing laboratory center of JSC Giprovostokneft) has been suspended since November 27, 2023
The validity of the accreditation certificate No. AAC.С.00091 (Department for Research and Implementation of Information Technologies Federal Budgetary Institution North-West Regional Center for Forensic Expertise of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation) has been suspended since November 24, 2023
Validity of accreditation certificate No. AAC.С.00206 (Department of Forensic Expertise Federal budgetary institution North-West Regional Center for Judicial examination of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation) suspended from November 24, 2023
Validity of accreditation certificate No. AAC.С.00207 (Document Research Department Federal budgetary institution North-West Regional Center for Forensic Expertise of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation) suspended from November 24, 2023
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
Accreditation certificate No. AAC.00635 (Val-Service test laboratory LLC) was canceled from 11/13/2023
The action of the accreditation certificate No. AAC.RM.00662 (Petroanalytic LLC) is partially suspended regarding the production of the standard sample of the mass fraction of the coke of oil products (KK-PA) (pos. 25 in the field of accreditation) from 11.11.2023
The action of the accreditation certificate No. AAC.00558 (the Laboratory of Laboratory of Limited Liability Company "General Survey") was restored from 11/13/2023
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
Accreditation certificate No. AAC.00481 (laboratory of quality control of finished products with limited liability company "Bridgostone Taier Manufect CIS") was canceled from 10/25/2023
The action of the accreditation certificate No. AAC.00298 (testing laboratory of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Scientific and Technical Center for Radiation-Chemical safety and hygiene of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency (FSUE NTC RHBG FMBA Russia)) has been restored in full since 10/25/2023
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
The action of the accreditation certificate No. AAC.00303 (laboratory of fuel and lubricants of the closed joint-stock company “Fuel Complex of Sheremetyevo”) has been suspended from 10/16/2023
The action of the accreditation certificate No. AAC.00596 (laboratory of fuel and lubricants of the OP RN-Aero LLC) was suspended from 10/16/2023
The action of the accreditation certificate No. AAC.00310 (Test Laboratory of the Fuel and Emergencies of the branch of the RN-Aero LLC in Artem) has been suspended from 10/16/2023
The action of the accreditation certificate No. AAC.00324 (Laboratory of the Fuel and Agribing of LLC RN-Aero in a/p Krasnoyarsk) is suspended from 10/10/2023
The action of the accreditation certificate No. AAC.00343 (laboratory of fuel and lubricants of the separate unit "Krasnodar" LLC "BATO") has been suspended from 10/16/2023
Accreditation certificate No. AAC.A.00208 (testing laboratory
The Federal State Budgetary Institution "Trans -Baikal Referent Center for the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision") was canceled from 10/16/2023
Suspension, cancellation and reinstatement of accreditation certificates.
The validity of the certificate of accreditation No.AAC.A.00184 (Testing Center (laboratory) of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Orenburg Reference Center of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision") has been suspended since 10.10.2023
The validity of the certificate of accreditation No. AAC.A.00319 (Laboratory of fuels and Lubricants of the separate Sochi subdivision of BATO LLC) has been suspended since 10.10.2023
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
The action of the accreditation certificate No. AAC.00643 (the factory laboratory of the quality service of the joint -stock company Krasnoyarsk Electric Repair Plant (ZL SK KRAVRZ JSC)) has been suspended from 09.22.2023
Accreditation certificate No. AAC.00552 (chemical and analytical laboratory of the Saratov branch of the Public Joint-Stock Company Oil Company "Russneft" (Saratov branch of PJSC RUSSENEFT)) was canceled from 09.22.2023
The action of the accreditation certificate No. AAC.00003 (the test center of carbon materials of NIIRISRITH JSC) has been restored from 09.22.2023
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
The validity of the accreditation certificate No. AAC.A.00293 (Testing laboratory of the Joint Stock Company Zapadnaya Mining Company) has been restored since September 18, 2023
Accreditation certificate No. AAC.T.00341 (Central Factory Laboratory of the Public Joint Stock Company “Izhora Plants”) has been canceled since September 18, 2023
The validity of the accreditation certificate No. AAC.A.00298 (Testing laboratory of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Scientific and Technical Center for Radiation and Chemical Safety and Hygiene of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency (FSUE STC RCBG FMBA of Russia)) has been partially suspended in terms of the characteristics of “thallium” according to PND methods F 14.1: 2:4.135-98 (position 4 regions) and IPA F 16.1: 2.3: 3.11-98 (position 31 regions) from 09/18/2023
Accreditation certificate No. AAC.00609 (testing center of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution Federal Research Center “Soil Institute named after V.V. Dokuchaev” (FICBNU of the FIC “Soil Institute named after V.V. Dokuchaev”)) was canceled from 18/09/2023
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
Certificate of accreditation no.AAC.A.00613 (Testing chemical and Analytical Laboratory of NPP NefteServisKomplekt LLC) has been canceled since 09/11/2023
Accreditation certificate No. AAC.A.00560 (Testing laboratory of EKOPUR LLC) has been canceled since 01.09.2023
Certificate of accreditation no.AAC.A.00395 (R.E. Klasson Chemical Laboratory of GRES-3 of the Mosenergo branch of PJSC) has been cancelled since 08/16/2023
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
Accreditation certificate No. AAC. 00557 (Laboratory of Metrological and Production Control of JSC Kataisky Plant ”) was canceled from 24/08/2023 to 31/08/2023
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
The validity of the accreditation certificate No. AAC.А.00212 (Testing laboratory of LLC FPK COSMOS-NEFT-GAS) has been suspended from 24.08.2023
Accreditation certificate No.AAC.A.00557 (Laboratory of metrological and production control of JSC "Katai pumping plant"") was canceled from 24.08.2023
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
The action of the accreditation certificate No. AAC.00016 (analytical and technological
The certification center of the Joint-Stock Company "Central Scientific Research Institute of Geology of Non-Medical Minerals") has been suspended from 07.08.2023
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
Validity of the certificate of accreditation no.AAC.A.00635 (Testing laboratory VAL-SERVICE LLC) suspended from 07/24/2023
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
The action of the accreditation certificate No. AAC. 00003 (testing center of carbon materials of NIIRISRITH JSC) has been suspended from 07.21.2023
Accreditation certificate No. AAC.00170 (testing laboratory of the Federal State Budget Institution “Tver Interoblood Veterinary Laboratory”) was canceled from 19.07.2023
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
The action of the accreditation certificate No. AAC.00552 (chemical-analytical laboratory Saratov branch of the Public Joint -Stock Company Oil Company "Russneft" (Saratov branch of PJSC NK "Russneft")) is suspended from 07.07.2023
The action of the accreditation certificate No. AAC.00558 (the Laboratory of Labor Limited Liability Company "General Survey") has been suspended from 07.07.2023
The action of the accreditation certificate No. AAC.00613 (testing chemical and analytical laboratory of LLC NPP "Oil Besterviskomple") has been suspended from 07.07.2023
Accreditation certificate No. AAC.00614 (test laboratory of LLC "Testnefteproduct LLC) was canceled from 07.07.2023
Accreditation certificate No. AAC.RM.00517 (Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow Endocrine Plant") was restored from 07.07.2023
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
The validity of the certificate of accreditation No. AAC.A.00199 (Geochim LLC) has been restored since 06/22/2023
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
The action of the accreditation certificate No. AAC.00557 (Laboratory of Metrological and Production Control of JSC Kataisky Plant) has been suspended from 05\29\2023
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
Accreditation certificate No. AAC.00459 (Chemical-analytical laboratory “Shapinsky” Khanty-the Mansi branch of the public joint-stock company Oil and Gas Company “Russneft” (Khanty-Mansi branch of PJSC RUSSENEFT)) was canceled from 05/19/2023
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
The validity of the accreditation certificate No. AAC.T.00532 (Test Center "QUALITY" JSC "Scientific and Production Association Plant "Volna") has been restored from 05/06/2023
The validity of the accreditation certificate No. AAC.A.00293 (Testing laboratory of the Joint Stock Company Mining Company "Zapadnaya") has been suspended from 05/04/2023
The validity of the certificate of accreditation No. AAC.A.00614 (Testing laboratory LLC "Testnefteprodukt") has been suspended from 05/04/2023
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
Certificate of accreditation no.AAC.T.00542 (Testing center of construction products "Uralstroysertification" of the Limited Liability Company Certification Center "Uralstroysertification") has been canceled since 04/29/2023
Certificate of accreditation no.AAC.A.00392 (Testing Laboratory of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Krasnoyarsk Reference Center of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance") cancelled from 04/18/2023
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
Accreditation certificate No. AAC.А.00523 (Testing laboratory of ATI LLC ("Association of Technical Inspection") canceled from 04/03/2023
The validity of the accreditation certificate No. ААС.А.00168 (Testing laboratory of Stylab Company LLC) has been suspended from 04/03/2023
The validity of the accreditation certificate No. ААС.А.00560 (Testing laboratory of ECOPUR LLC) has been suspended from 04/03/2023
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
Accreditation certificate No. AAC.A.00224 (Testing laboratory center of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Saratov Interregional Veterinary Laboratory") was canceled from 03/22/2023
Accreditation certificate No. AAC.A.00375 (Agrochemical Laboratory of the Limited Liability Company "Agrobiochemical Laboratory") was canceled from 03/21/2023
Accreditation certificate No. AAC.A.00496 (Tokur field assay laboratory of the Analytical Center of the Limited Liability Company “Scientific and Production Geological Company “Regis”) was canceled from 03/21/2023
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
The validity of the certificate of accreditation No.AAC.A.00199 (Geochim LLC) has been suspended since 02/28/2023 in terms of methods: GOST 10364, GOST 13379, GOST 19006, GOST 31870, HDPE F 14.1:2:4.135-98, GOST 6307 (p.3.5.1), SRT 02.004-2008, STO 02.001-2007, GOST 26450.2, STO 02.002-2007, GOST 27065
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
Accreditation certificate No. AAC.А.00386 (Chemical-analytical laboratory "Peschanoe"
Khanty-Mansiysk branch of the Public Joint Stock Company Oil and Gas Company "RussNeft") was canceled from 17/02/2023
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
The validity of the accreditation certificate No. ААС.А.00119 (Moscow Laboratory Center of the Moscow branch of the Testing Center "Saybolt" of JSC "Petroleum Analysts") was restored from 11.02.2023
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
Validity of the certificate of accreditation no.AAS.A.00585 (Industrial and Analytical Laboratory chemicalization of the oil reservoir LLC "Scientific and Production Association "HELIUM") restored from 09.02.2023
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
The validity of the accreditation certificate No. ААС.А.00523 (Testing laboratory LLC "ATI" ("Association of Technical Inspection")) suspended from 28.01.2023
The validity of the accreditation certificate No. ААС.Т.00481 (Laboratory for quality control of finished products of the Bridgestone Thayer Manufacturing CIS Limited Liability Company) has been suspended from 01/28/2023
Accreditation certificate No. AAC.T.00331 (Laboratory of personal protective equipment of Joint Stock Company "3M Russia") was canceled from 01/28/2023
Accreditation certificate No. AAC.A.00515 (Testing laboratory of the Limited Liability Company "Consulting Center. Occupational Safety") was canceled from 01/28/2023
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
The validity of the accreditation certificate No. ААС.А.00375 (Agrochemical Laboratory of the Limited Liability Company "Agrobiochemical Laboratory") has been suspended from 12/30/2022.
The validity of the accreditation certificate No. ААС.RM.00517 (Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow Endocrine Plant") has been suspended since December 30, 2022.
The validity of the accreditation certificate No. ААС.А.00119 (Moscow Laboratory Center of the Moscow branch of the Testing Center "Saybolt" of JSC "Petroleum Analysts") has been suspended from 12/30/2022.
The validity of the accreditation certificate No. ААС.Т.00532 (Test Center "QUALITY" JSC "Scientific and Production Association Plant "Volna") has been suspended from 12/30/2022.
The validity of the accreditation certificate No. ААС.Z.00417 (Analytical Laboratory of the Scientific and Technical Center for Pipeline Transportation of the Limited Liability Company "Scientific Research Institute of Pipeline Transportation" (STC LLC "NII Transneft") has been restored from 12/29/2022.
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
Certificate of accreditation No. AAC.A.00597 (Assay and Analytical Laboratory Mangazeya Mining LLC) has been cancelled since 12/20/2022.
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
Accreditation certificate No. AAC.А.00489 (Natural gas laboratory in Vysotsk of the Laboratory Testing Department of the Branch of JSC SGS Vostok Limited in St. Petersburg) was canceled from 16.12.2022.
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
Accreditation certificate No. AAC.A.00587 (Analytical laboratory of Vostok GeoService LLC) was canceled from 11/21/2022.
AB informs that the letter 263-2022 dated November 3, 2022 does not represent the official position of AB and was sent out unintentionally.
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
Accreditation certificate No. AAC.RTR.00368 (Association "Non-profit Partnership Coordination and Information Center of the CIS Member States for Convergence of Regulatory Practices" (Association "NP CIC CIS")) was canceled from 01.11.2022.
The validity of the accreditation certificate No. ААС.А.00515 (Testing laboratory of the Limited Liability Company "Consulting Center. Occupational Safety") has been suspended from 10/27/2022.
The validity of the accreditation certificate No. ААС.А.00585 (Industrial and analytical laboratory for the chemicalization of the oil reservoir of LLC Scientific and Production Association GELIY) has been suspended from 10/27/2022.
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates
The validity of the accreditation certificate No. ААС.Z.00417 (Analytical Laboratory of the Scientific and Technical Center for Pipeline Transportation of the Limited Liability Company "Scientific Research Institute of Pipeline Transportation" (STC LLC "NII Transneft") has been suspended from 04.10.2022.
Accreditation certificate No. AAC.A.00473 (Laboratory "Soil Mechanics" FTT FGBOU VO "UGNTU") was canceled from 10/11/2022.
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates
Accreditation certificate No. AAC.A.00250 (Testing laboratory for drinking water quality of the State Unitary Enterprise of the Belgorod Region "Belgorodsky Vodokanal") was canceled from 09/23/2022.
Accreditation certificate No. AAC.A.00589 (Central plant laboratory of SiburTyumenGaz JSC) was canceled from 09/23/2022.
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates
Accreditation certificate No. AAC.RM.00309 (Manufacturer of reference materials of the Scientific and Technical Center "Mineral Standards" Limited Liability Company) was canceled from 09/12/2022.
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
The validity of the accreditation certificate No. ААС.Т.00484 (Laboratory for non-destructive testing of the joint-stock company "METROVAGONMASH") has been restored from 30.08.2022.
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates
Accreditation certificate No. ААС.А.00290 (Workshop Central Laboratory of the limited liability company "Kholsim (Rus)") was canceled from 16.08.2022.
Accreditation certificate No. ААС.С.00462 (Expert and forensic service — regional branch of the Central Forensic Customs Administration of Kaliningrad) was canceled from 16.08.2022.
Accreditation certificate No. ААС.С.00466 (Forensic service — regional branch of the Central Forensic Customs Administration of Novosibirsk) was canceled from 16.08.2022.
Accreditation certificate No. ААС.С.00469 (Forensic Service — Regional Branch of the Central Forensic Customs Administration of Yekaterinburg) was canceled from 16.08.2022.
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
The validity of the accreditation certificate No. ААС.А.00228 (Testing laboratory of the Production Assurance Center of Gazpromneft-Yamal LLC) has been suspended from 08/08/2022
The validity of the accreditation certificate No. ААС.А.00321 (Center for Testing and Research of Materials (CIM), Kalashnikov Concern JSC) has been suspended from 08/08/2022
The validity of the accreditation certificate No. ААС.А.00388 (Environmental Laboratory of the Chemical and Environmental Service of the branch of OOO Gazprom transgaz St. Petersburg — Engineering and Technical Center) was suspended from 08/08/2022
The validity of the accreditation certificate No. ААС.А.00411 (Central plant laboratory of JSC Gazprom trubinvest) was suspended from 08/08/2022
The validity of the accreditation certificate No. ААС.А.00417 (Analytical Laboratory of the Scientific and Technical Center for Pipeline Transportation of the Limited Liability Company "Scientific Research Institute of Pipeline Transportation" (STC LLC "NII Transneft") has been suspended from 08/08/2022
The validity of the accreditation certificate No. ААС.А.00528 (Sales and Energy Control Department of the Engineering and Technical Center of the Gazprom Energo Limited Liability Company) has been suspended from 08/08/2022
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
Accreditation certificate No. ААС.А.00373 (Laboratory of Radiation Control of the Positron Limited Liability Company) was canceled from 08/03/2022.
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
The validity of the accreditation certificate No. ААС.T.00536 (Testing laboratory of SpetspromKonstruktsiya LLC) has been restored from 07/26/2022.
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
Accreditation certificate No. AAC.А.00504 (Laboratory of chemical analysis The natural gas liquefaction complex in Magnitogorsk (NOVATEK-Chelyabinsk LLC) was canceled from 19.07.2022.
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
The validity of the accreditation certificate No. AAC.T.00557 (Laboratory of Metrological and Production Control of JSC "Katai Pump Plant") has been restored from 07/08/2022.
The validity of the accreditation certificate No. ААС.А.00259 (Testing Center LLC "Main Control and Testing Center for Drinking Water" (ITs LLC "GITs PV") has been restored from 07/08/2022.
The validity of the accreditation certificate No. ААС.T.00536 (Testing laboratory of SpetspromKonstruktsiya LLC) has been suspended from 07/13/2022.
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
The validity of the accreditation certificate No. AAC.T.00557 (Laboratory of metrological and production control of JSC "Katai Pump Plant") has been suspended from 06/27/2022.
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
The validity of the accreditation certificate No. ААС.A.00373 (Laboratory of Radiation Monitoring of the Positron Limited Liability Company) has been suspended from 06/02/2022.
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
The validity of the accreditation certificate No. ААС.А.00259 (Testing Center LLC "Main Control and Testing Center for Drinking Water" (ITs LLC "GITs PV") has been suspended from 18.05.2022.
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
The validity of the accreditation certificate No. ААС.Т.00535 (Testing laboratory technical condition control Limited Liability Company Service Center "Medtekhnika") restored from 05/16/2022.
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
The validity of the accreditation certificate No. ААС.Т.00484 (Laboratory for non-destructive testing of the joint-stock company "METROVAGONMASH") has been suspended from 05/16/2022.
Accreditation certificate No. ААС.А.00500 (Oil and oil products testing laboratory of Alliance Lab LLC) has been canceled since 05/16/2022.
Accreditation certificate No. ААС.А.00312 (Department of technical control of production of polystyrene plastics and polyolefins No. 3606 of the Technical Control Department of the Public Joint Stock Company "Nizhnekamskneftekhim") was canceled from 16.05.2022.
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
Accreditation certificate No. ААС.С.00468 (Forensic Service — Regional Branch of the Central Forensic Customs Administration of St. Petersburg) was canceled from 04/28/2022.
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
• The validity of the accreditation certificate No. ААС.С.00462 (Forensic Service — Regional Branch of the Central Forensic Customs Administration of Kaliningrad) has been suspended from 04/06/2022.
• The validity of the accreditation certificate No. ААС.С.00469 (Forensic Service — Regional Branch of the Central Forensic Customs Administration of Yekaterinburg) has been suspended from 04/06/2022.
• The validity of the accreditation certificate No. ААС.С.00466 (Forensic Service — Regional Branch of the Central Forensic Customs Administration of Novosibirsk) has been suspended from 04/06/2022.
• The validity of the accreditation certificate No. ААС.С.00468 (Forensic Service — Regional Branch of the Central Forensic Customs Administration of St. Petersburg) has been suspended from 04/06/2022.
Suspension, cancellation and restoration of accreditation certificates.
The validity of the accreditation certificate No. ААС.Т.00535 (Testing laboratory technical condition control Limited Liability Company Service Center "Medtekhnika") has been suspended from 03/05/2022.
AAC "Analitica" informs that you have questions about the application of the standard GOST R 58144-2018 "Distilled water. Specifications" must be sent to the Technical Committee TC 343 "Water Quality", the functions of which are assigned to the Russian Association of Water Supply and Sanitation "RABB" ( The official press release is here.