st. Krzhizhanovskogo, 14, building 3., office. 202,
Moscow, Russia, 117218
+7 (495) 108-58-37

Accreditation of Laboratories

Accreditation of Conformity Assessment Bodies

In GOST ISO / IEC 17011, determines accreditation as “… third-party confirmation of conformity related to a conformity assessment body, serving as formal evidence of its competence to perform specific conformity assessment tasks”.

In this case, we mean by "conformity assessment body" a testing laboratory, a provider of proficiency testing, producers of reference materials.

AAC "Analitica" carries out activities on the accreditation of conformity assessment bodies on the basis of the Charter registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, where accreditation is defined as the main activity of the AAC "Analitica".
Accreditation schemes used in the AAC "Analitica".

Since 2009, AAC 
Analitica has been joined to the Mutual Recognition Arrengement of the Equivalence of Accreditation Results, which is supported by the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC).

An International Agreement (Understanding) on ​​mutual recognition is a document in which all signatories of the Agreement, on the basis of mutual trust, recognize the results of accreditation of other signatories within their scope of ​​recognition.
The scopes of recognition of each participant (testing; calibration; inspections; production of reference materials; services of proficiency testing providers) are specified in the Certificate of Recognition of each signatory. AAC "Analitica" obtained recognition for testing laboratories, producers of reference materials and PT- providers. The full text of the APLAC Agreement (Agreement), the translation of which was agreed and carried out jointly by AAC Analitica and the Federal Accreditation Agency (a participant in the APLAC Agreement since 2017, the area of ​​recognition is calibration and testing laboratories.


ILAC Recognition Certificate

APAC mutural recognition arrangement

APLAC mutural recognition arrangement

APLAC mutural recognition arrangement

The ILAC Agreement has been signed by more than 100 accreditation bodies, including accreditation bodies of Germany, France, Great Britain, USA, China, Japan, Canada, Australia, India, Brazil, etc. In Russia, in addition to the AAC Analitica, the Agreement was also signed by the Russian Federal Accreditation Service

The full list of the signatories to the MRA ILAC MRA can be found on the official ILAC website.



AAC "Analitica" does not provide any special conditions for the work on accreditation to any of the applicants. Membership in any organizations, form of ownership, organizational characteristics, etc. do not give the right to a special approach during accreditation.
To obtain accreditation in the Accreditation Body of AAC "Analitica", a legal entity wishing to accredit its conformity assessment body ("applicant") must clearly and unambiguously state its intention and undertake certain obligations.
For this, the applicant draws up:

  • For Accreditation of testing laboratories
  • For Accreditation of reference material manufacturers
  • For Accreditation of proficiency testing providers
ААЦ «Аналитика» st. Krzhizhanovskogo, 14, building 3., office. 202, Moscow, Russia, 117218 +7 (495) 108-58-37